Tips to Help You Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
February 11, 2021 11:22 pm Leave your thoughtsYour home should be a place for relaxation and comfort. But if you have poor indoor air quality or have been dealing with any form of interior air pollution in Bridgeport, CT, it can lead to potential health problems, or at the very least result in a dusty, odorous or otherwise unpleasant home.
For these reasons, you should make it a priority to ensure your home’s air quality meets high standards. Here are a few tips to help you improve the quality of your indoor air:
- Don’t smoke: Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals that are very harmful to the human body. You already know that smoking is linked to significant health problems like cancer, breathing issues, strokes and heart attacks. But when you smoke inside, there are additional problems to consider, including that smoke clinging to clothing, carpets, fabric and furnishings. Homes with indoor smokers will also often sell for 25 percent less when put on the market. If you have anyone in your home who smokes, you should encourage them to quit, but if they’re incapable of or uninterested in doing so, they should at least smoke outside to prevent reducing the indoor air quality.
- Improve your ventilation: Ventilation in your home is important for keeping fresh air inside and for allowing carbon monoxide, smoke, dust and moisture to get out. Good ventilation can be as simple as leaving room doors open or opening up windows to get cross breezes. It can also involve using the bathroom fan while you’re taking a shower, or the kitchen fan while cooking. Depending on the structure of your home and when it was built, you might need to take some additional steps to create vents that go up and out your roof.
- Bring in some plants: Green, growing plants take in carbon dioxide and create oxygen, and also act as natural air filters. They’ll be able to remove some common air pollutants like xylene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene and more. Just make sure you’re careful about the type of plants you bring into your home if you have pets—you don’t want to have any toxic plants if you have cats or dogs that are likely to take an interest in them.
- Check humidity levels: Certain types of pests thrive in a humid environment, and high humidity also increases the risk of mold and mildew, which can spread their spores and do a number on your indoor air quality. Make sure you vent out kitchens and bathrooms after showering and cooking. If you have baseboard heating or radiators, you might need to use a humidifier during the winter months as well. Keeping track of your humidity levels can help you stay on top of air quality management.
These are just a few examples of some of the simplest steps you can take to better manage your indoor air quality in Bridgeport, CT. To learn more about some of our recommended steps for keeping a comfortable atmosphere in your home, we encourage you to contact the team at BLM Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning today.
Categorised in: Indoor Air Quality
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