Common Signs Your Air Conditioner Is About to Die

July 29, 2021 1:47 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When well maintained, a good air conditioning unit can last over a decade. That said, it’s important to know when AC repair isn’t enough, and you’ll need to replace your air conditioner. You don’t want to put off replacing your air conditioner, then have it die on you during the height of summer. Investing in new AC installation at the right time could help you save a lot of money in the long run. Read on to learn common signs that your air conditioner is about to die:

  • Strange and unpleasant smells: If an air conditioner isn’t working properly, it might release strange smells. Certain smells can signal specific issues. Musty smells, for example, often signal the presence of mold or mildew in your air conditioner. Leaks are often the cause of mold, so it’s important to get your air conditioner inspected right away if you notice a musty smell. A burning smell coming from your air conditioner, meanwhile, should also be cause for concern. This often signals a part that’s burning out.
  • Your home isn’t getting cool: If your old air conditioner isn’t efficiently cooling your home, it might be time for a replacement. This is especially true if the unit in question is over a decade old. That said, there are many issues that could cause an air conditioner to not work properly. Check with an air conditioner expert in your area for their opinion.
  • Low airflow: Weak airflow coming from your air conditioner is never a good sign, especially if it’s also blowing warm air. Common reasons for weak airflow include clogged air filters, leaky air ducts and frozen evaporator coils. A broken compressor could also cause low airflow, and is often expensive to fix. If you have a broken compressor, it’s best to determine whether it’d be more cost effective to replace your air conditioner entirely.
  • Higher utility bills: An air conditioner that’s on its last legs can cause your utility bills to skyrocket. That’s because a weak air conditioner will have to work harder to keep your home cool, resulting in the need for more energy. A unit that’s working harder may also experience freezing lines and a burnt-out compressor.

Maintaining your air conditioner

No matter how old your air conditioner is, it’s important to give it proper maintenance. That means routinely changing air filters, keeping the ducts free of debris and ensuring the unit is thoroughly cleaned. One of the most important aspects of proper air conditioner maintenance is having the unit inspected by a professional from time to time. An expert in air conditioning repair and installation can quickly inspect your unit for any issues.

It’s recommended that you have your air conditioner serviced at least twice a year. Schedule one inspection sometime in fall and the other in spring. This will help ensure your air conditioner is prepared for the high temperatures of summer.

If your air conditioner is on its last legs, contact BLM Refrigeration Heating & Air Conditioning. We offer fair prices on AC repair and new AC installation!

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